2020年代替案 特設ページ

トップページ2020年代替案 特設ページ

新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の影響により、春の海外派遣事業『BRIDGE Challenge Trip』、夏の招へい事業『BRIDGE Summer Camp』が中止となりました。
今年は直接対面しての交流は実現できませんが、APCCならではのリソースと、現代の発達したインターネットを活用し、新しい形での異文化交流を提供するべく、この度『BRIDGE Summer WEB Camp 2020』という名称のもと、5つのプロジェクトに取り組みます。

BRIDGE Challenge Trip 2020 and BRIDGE Summer Camp 2020 have been cancelled due to the global outbreak of COVID-19. It is really unfortunate that this year’s participants cannot see each other and attend the exchange program here in Fukuoka, Japan.
Looking for ways to fulfill our vision amid the pandemic, APCC has planned some alternative events, which makes up BRIDGE Summer WEB Camp, to provide the participants with some opportunities to communicate with one another online.

【協賛企業 / Supported by】

lixil ふくや 久原本家 久原本家

【各プロジェクトの紹介 / About Project】


The Omoiyari Art Contest has been organized by the APCC head office. The theme of this contest is OMOIYARI in everyday life. “OMOIYARI” spirit, a part of the APCC vision, stands for “Respect and Understanding”. We want the participants to express their OMOIYARI spirit in their drawings/paintings. All the submitted artworks are uploaded on the APCC special website. We hope that this project will be an opportunity to think what “OMOIYARI” is again.

実際に7月18日(土)に天神にて開催予定だったWe are the BRIDGEフェスティバル2020を、オンラインで開催!来福予定だった世界各地のこども大使たちによる、パフォーマンス動画をYouTubeで公開します。

APCC will host the online performance event on YouTube as an alternative to the live summer event. The submitted videos of JAs’ performance video and PAs’ fashion show will be uploaded on YouTube and shared on the special APCC website on July 18th, 2020

This is a greeting chart that you can see the greetings of the participating countries and regions at a glance.Please take a look at what language the Junior Ambassadors who were planning to visit Fukuoka this summer use and how they greet on this chart.
*This greeting chart is created by the volunteers of the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention in Fukuoka. Please understand that there might be some expressions that are not commonly used by the locals.

世界中のさまざまな国・地域のこども大使らからの質問や回答はウェブ上にて公開! こども達の目線での異文化交流を皆さんも覗いてみませんか?

This project has been specially created for the 2020 JAs, Chaperons, and PAs of BRIDGE Summer Camp, the Japanese members of the BRIDGE Challenge Trip 2020, Host families, and the Fukuoka KIDs applicants who could not participate in the APCC programs because of the cancellation. Although it will not be possible to communicate face to face this year, exchanging questions and answers with their ‘APCC Friends’ will help the participants understand the cultural differences among the countries/regions.
APCC will collect all the questions and answers and upload them to the APCC special website in July 23rd.


Due to the global pandemic, the PA Camp was canceled. Therefore, for the first time, the PA Camp was conducted virtually. The Camp comprised of sessions and activities focused on strengthening the BRIDGE CLUBs by discussing & solving club problems, creating impact through activities, etc. These sessions and the activities in the camp were planned in such a way that they enabled the PAs to learn different skills in a fun and engaging way. 
The camp was a huge success and the PAs had a fun time learning different skills while interacting, brainstorming, and meeting fellow Peace Ambassadors.

リアルな交流の代替プロジェクトとして、2020年はインターネットを介した繋がり、YouTube など のネット媒体を活用した場所や人数の制限がない、新しい形の異文化交流・体験プログラムを企画し運営していきます。それらを発信すると同時に、国内外問わずAPCCの活動に賛同、応援をしてくれる方々からのオンラインで寄付を募る仕組みに新たにチャレンジします。

In 2020, as an alternative to real-life international experience, we have launched BRIDGE Summer WEB Camp 2020. Thanks to the Internet and the online platform such as YouTube, this program is open for everyone across the world. Alongside this online initiative, we are setting up a platform on our website to receive international donation from those who support and believe in our program.

【その他の活動/Other projects】


The APCC supports the #SmileMask Movement which was launched by Junior Chamber International Fukuoka (JCI-Fukuoka): the organization that founded APCC in 1989.
A lot of the APCC members have joined this movement, and we made an album on our Facebook page with those their SmileMask photos. Please take a look.

30年以上続くAPCCのプログラムに参加したこども大使の数は、なんと『世界中に1万人以上』! その半数以上が各国・各地で社会を牽引する年代となっています。 BCのネットワークを使って、彼らの持つ専門的な知識や経験を交換し、BCメンバーのスキルアップへ繋がる機会を提供グローバルブリッジリーダーを育成することを目的にBC Professional Networkが発足しました。直接集まることはできませんでしたが、Webを使ってセミナー形式で開催しました。次回は2ヶ月後に、BCに所属している学生を対象としたWebセミナーを企画しています!

The BRIDGE CLUB Professionals Network (BCPN) has hosted the first of its kind BCPN Webinar on 4th July 2020, based on the theme of Post-Virus Businesses from cross-border perspectives; dedicated for the professional members of the network. The presentations delivered by the two of our Guest Speakers of the Webinar; Mr. Ashik Noon from Bangladesh (JA 1992, PA 2000) and Mr. Hitoshi Iwamato from the BCIO Board of Directors respectively, were very insightful and informative. A session of Questions and Answers were followed by the presentations and the Speakers answered the remarkable questions asked by the audience.
The next Webinar is tentatively scheduled after about 2 months and is aimed to the student members of the network. Please stay tuned with us for more information on the upcoming BCPN Webinars!